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Everything has a meaning....
Everything has a meaning....
8:01 AM
Posted by Dunia Sekitarmu
In the world of Cryptozoology, nothing can rival the fame of this two monster, Nessie of Lochness and Bigfoot Patty from the Bluff Creek .
So far, I've never specifically discuss Bigfoot. Although it has been frequently discussed in the media, I want to invite us to review again Cryptozoology one of the most amazing record ever.
In this recording, a large creature that is believed to be Bigfoot caught on camera with a very clear, not vague, such as recording other cryptozoology. Bigfoot is, in the future be named Patty, from the name of Roger Patterson, the man who took the tape.
Bigfoot at Bluff CreekIn the 19th century, actually had many reports of sightings of the furry creatures in the territory of Canada and the United States. However, this new creature known to the world in 1958.
At that time, in the Bluff Creek area, Southern California, the hunters found a set of large footprints on the ground and the traces are not in accordance with the description of any animal known to science at that time.
Then, on October 5, 1958, a newspaper journalist named Andrew Genzoli Humbolt Times began to call this creature with a Bigfoot.
Thus, the name of Bigfoot began to suluruh world famous Bluff Creek and the area became famous as a place of residence of Bigfoot. Therefore, during the next decades, hunters and explorers often came to this area for hunting or just camping.
On October 20, 1967, a retired rodeo rider and horse breeder named Roger Patterson was driving a horse with a friend named Robert Gimlin in Bluff Creek throughout the region to track Bigfoot.
What they encountered that day far exceeded the estimates.
When he was around the area, they heard a rustling in the trees. Moments later, a huge hairy figure appeared at the edge of the river and walked away from them.
Patterson's horse began to get nervous, perhaps because the creature's smell. Patterson immediately reached for a camera in her bag and quickly ran up to the creature. He then asked Gimlin to guard with a shotgun.
Then, Patterson began to take the tape along the 53 seconds that would later become the most controversial recordings Cryptozoology.
According to Patterson, the first creature that is about 37 feet away. Then, Patterson began moving toward him until only 24 meters away.
The creature was seen walking leisurely along the rivers. Then look back so that shows his face for a moment, as if knowing the presence of Patterson and Gimlin. Then, he disappeared among the trees. According to estimates Patterson, a creature that has a height of about 1.8 meters to 2.1 meters.
If this creature is really the legendary Bigfoot, the Patterson and Gimlin is probably the most fortunate person in the world.
After the creature was gone, they both still had time to try to follow it as far as 5 kilometers, but did not find any. Then, both return and make mold creature's footprints.
As I said before, this recording is probably the most controversial recordings Cryptozoology. Patterson died in 1972 of cancer. So, he did not see the controversy that's too long. While Gimlin is still alive until now had to face charges of forgery.
After more than 40 years since the recording was made, it seems there is still no agreement on the authenticity of this tape. Some experts say for sure if Bigfoot is visible is a fake Bigfoot. Other experts deny it. According to them, humans with ape costumes will not be able to produce such movements.
Yes, it is Bigfoot - expert opinion
Special effects expertWhen recording Patterson first appeared, many believed that the tape was a fake and Bigfoot costume was made by Hollywood special effects expert named John Chambers who made costumes for the movie planet of the apes output in 1968.
However, this allegation denied by Chambers himself. He said:
"I am good. But I am not That Good".
Patterson and Gimlin also brought the tape to the Universal Studios special effects department. One of the technicians there said:
"We could have tried to re-record them this, however, we need to regenerate a new system of artificial muscles and find an actor who would be taught to walk like that. It could be done, But, we must say that it seems almost impossible .
Even in 1969, one of the Disney film company director named Ken Peterson also admitted that they could not imitate the Patterson footage.
Conclusion special effects experts are re-affirmed by Janos Prohaska who make costumes for the television series Star Trek. He says if the creature could have a guy with a costume. However, if true, then the costume is the best costume ever seen and can only be created by attaching a real hair to a costume.
Biomechanics ExpertWhen recording, Patterson using K-100 Kodak camera which the film speed of 16 frames per second. According to the biomechanics expert named Donald W. Grieve, at this speed, the creature's movement is very natural and difficult to imitate, especially considering the wide shoulders. Donald also said that for a big man, gait as seen in the footage would be very difficult to imitate.
Similar findings were also obtained by Dmitri Donskoy, head of the department of biomechanics at the Central Institute of Physical Culture, Russia. He concluded that it is not human beings with the costume. Donskoy take conclusions based gait and muscle movement. According to him, the creature's gait is really natural and well coordinated.
Film ExpertMK Davis is an expert on film. He believes if the recording is authentic and really show a Bigfoot.
Davis is a commonly investigated a photo and search for specific details normally missed. By using technology that does not exist in the 1960s, Davis could find a match between the motion of Patty with her skin movement. Davis also saw the presence of human like muscle in his back and muscle movements are consistent with his gait.
Not only that, Davis also could see the wound in the right thigh Patty.
The Court concluded that Davis was not human beings costumed and may be one animal that has not been identified by modern science.
Common SenseIn 1975, Peter Byrne said that when making a recording is Friday. Routes to Bluff Creek area was filled by the hunters. This makes an engineering becomes difficult because there will be others who are aware of it.
After all, who dared to impersonate the Bigfoot with the risk of being shot by hunters on the loose?
Quite reasonable.
I am not sure - Primate expert opinionIf one believes in the authenticity of the tape, of course, some are not believers.
In 1973, primatologist named John Napier said that if the creature's existence does not make sense to him because the creature has the upper body while the legs and an ape-like gait as the human.
But, Napier admitted the tape greatness.
"Maybe the creature is a man with an ape clothing. If so, then it is a very brilliant hoax and the man will get a place together with others in the world's greatest hoaxer."
Yes, It is a Hoax
Impressions Fox NewsIn 1998, Fox News television station has aired a documentary titled "World's Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed." In that event, Patterson was accused as the person hired to film Bigfoot.
Two guest stars in the show, Cliff Crook and Chris Murphy, said they might see any metal fasteners in the stomach Patty, while Erik Beckjord said if he had found a metal tube on his shoulder. Unfortunately, the objects mentioned by them can not be seen by other experts.
Philip Morris CostumeThen, challenges to the authenticity of these recordings came in 2002. Philip Morris, the founder of Morris Costume in North Carolina says that he has made a gorilla costume which is then used in the Patterson film. Morris said if he had sold it to Patterson's costume through mail order in 1967.
When asked why he'd reveal it now, he replied that he feared that disclosure would adversely affect its business.
Regarding how to run the creature known as difficult to imitate, Morris said if I run it could be imitated by adding some accessories in costumes, such as shoulder pads. Who uses costumes, will walk with style, as seen in the footage.
Unfortunately, Morris does not provide strong evidence for his claim.
I was the BigfootThen, in 2003, Morris corroborated testimony by a man named Bob Hieronimus who claims that he was the guy in that costume. When he created the hoax, he was 26 and he also mentions that Patterson offered him money of $ 1,000 to help create the tape
When asked why he had confessed now, Jerome replied that he was afraid of being arrested for helping business fraud. He also expects to get the money from the Patterson footage. But when he does not get jatahnya from Patterson or Patterson's widow after Patterson died, he began to dare to admit.
"I never paid a penny to the tape. Of course I want to get a little money from it. I felt, after 36 years, I should get some results."
Bob Hieronimus and Phillip Morris
But testimony Heironimus has many inconsistencies with the testimony of Morris. Moreover, unlike displays costumes Bigfoot caught on camera. Therefore, many people who suspect that Jerome was lying for financial gain.
Is That you Bigfoot?In the world of science, it seems there is little interest in being on the tape. Perhaps because of the assumption of hoax that is strong enough, to the point, Gimlin and Patterson himself felt that they might indeed be a target of the game some people.
Not long ago, Gimlin said:
"I was so sure that no one can cheat me. And of course, I am old now .. and I think, it is possible that the tape was a hoax. However, if anything, I think Patterson had planned it."
Bob Gimlin
Roger Patterson died on January 15, 1972 from cancer. On his deathbed, he swore that he never falsified the record.
So, are we really witnessing the face of the legendary creature Bigfoot?
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